SIRC - Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari

Summer School Cardiolung 2020

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“CARDIOLUNG 2020 VIII edition”

Integrating Basic and Clinical Aspects by a Multidisciplinary Translational Approach

Course Directors
Prof Carlo Palombo
Prof Raffaele De Caterina

Deadline for reduced registration fee is February 29th 2020

CardioLung 2020: Updates in Cardiovascular, Cardiometabolic and Pulmonary Pathophysiology (8th Edition)

The Cardiopulmonary health and disease strictly depend on a dynamic interplay between genes, ageing, lifestyle and risk factors. In this scientific-cultural frame, the Cardiolung summer school is conceived with the aim of integrating knowledge finalized at better research and clinical outcome.

The School is organized every year at the University of Pisa (Italy) School of Medicine, by the Department of Surgical, Medical, Molecular Pathology and Critical Care Medicine (Cardiovascular Branch). It is a unique opportunity to meet face-to-face with expert faculty. In multidisciplinary sessions, basic and clinical themes regarding established achievements and emerging research directions will be addressed. The course includes a theoretical and a practical part and will provide advice to how to deal with clinical and scientific research problems. Plenary lectures will represent the core of the Course, which will be given by Faculty of leading experts. Hands-on sessions and live demonstrations from diagnostic and pathophysiologic cardiovascular, cardiometabolic and pulmonary laboratories will provide an overview on various up-to-date techniques in the clinical research setting.

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SIRC – Società Italiana di Ricerche Cardiovascolari

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